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You don't think what has? There have been double spend attacks against BTC.


Not exactly a double spend, but billions BTC being printed out of thin air: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=822.0

It has happened before but that was in 2010 when the codebase was < 2 years old.

It's happened quite a few times after that. Consider the merchants who have been known to use fewer than the standard # of confirmations and what it takes to reverse or reuse those charges. For example, here is a blog post on one way to do this: https://blog.acolyer.org/2015/10/01/misbehavior-in-bitcoin-a.... If you want to search you will find that there are scripts to automate this type of action by constructing bitcoin transactions.

Also, consider ghash.io or the odd OKPAY double spends.

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