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Where to begin with this.. hmm..

First you:

"I have a friend who creates Android apps on the side. I do something similar to this, but instead my apps revolve around cloning .apk files and restoring them". Why not be clear and just admit you're pirating software off an App Store? Ok, not the smartest activity in the world BUT did you have to do it at work?

Then Google:

"We were all freaking out, our IT guys were trying to get a hold of Google but couldn't get in touch with anyone." - So yea, unless you're one of Google's 'poster' customers, good luck trying to get help when something goes wrong!

"Their policy is to not share any information about what caused this and they will not reverse these actions." - Yup, that's Google. Unless you're one of the customers on this list: https://gsuite.google.com/customers/ you are totally screwed when something goes wrong.

I introduce the world to the ToS-DoS Attack - only a matter of time before this now gets exploited:

- Hack into a companies GSuite account and create a new account.

- Use the new account to commit a range of ToS violations.

- Wait for Google to suspend the entire GSuite account.

" So yea, unless you're one of Google's 'poster' customers, good luck trying to get help when something goes wrong!"

This is just plain wrong. I contact Google for tiny, insignificant clients on a routine basis. This claim has no basis in reality if you're using paid G Suite.

I am involved with paid GSuite at 3 organisations (one of which is a big fish customer) and I can tell you the difference in experience is night and day.

You might be right, however I've never had trouble making contact, or having my issue resolved even for small fish.

Any incidents where Google terminated the paid account? No longer a paying customer at that point.

I got the impression that step 1 isn't needed, it was more:

1. Create a google account and set your recovery email to the victims.

2. Use the new account to commit a range of ToS violations.

3. Wait for Google to suspend the entire GSuite account and every linked account.

For step 1 I don't think there is (or at least wasn't) any validation, I found out a family member had me as their recovery address when they changed passwords.

Wow. Well this just keeps getting better.

No wonder Google don't want to discuss their suspension practices - just another form of '(in)security through obscurity'.

If the hearsay is correct then this appears to be a hole the size of a galaxy!

A "victim" would need to approve being used as a recovery account. (click link in mail etc.)

No. Ironically, this is opt-out, not opt-in.

That is, you (as recovery email holder) would need click the link ONLY if you want to unlink. The URL is in the footer of the email and it is easy to miss.

No. It is opt-in. You need to type the 6 digit code from recovery email id into your settings.

I just now added my personal email as a recovery to my work email to test this. It is opt-out.

> Subject: "Someone added you as their recovery email"

> Someone added <mypersonalemail>@gmail.com as their recovery email

> <myworkemail>@<myworkdomain>.com wants your email address to be their recovery email.

> If you don’t recognize this account, it’s likely your email address was added in error. You can remove your email address from that account. Disconnect email

The "Disconnect email" at the end is an opt-out link.

Having to actually type in a code sounds like a smart move on Google's part, to avoid spear-phishing and XSS attacks.

They recently started to notify the other email, they wouldn't stop emailing me to verify on my new recovery email after I added it in.

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