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Self employed people statistically have more job satisfaction. Full stop. Call it a startup or call it a small business-- that's the truth [1]. You're tossing around a lot of hyperbole in your question-- to the point where it gets pretty ridiculous. But happiness/satisfaction is one big reason.

Another is that we're all in the same casino here, and the house always wins. You choose the safe path, and you'll die in your 80s. I choose the risky path and I'll die in my 80s. So you can pay nickel slots. And I'll play poker. Or hell, maybe I'll take a few whacks at the roulette wheel. I'll probably get a few more thrills and have a greater sense of control of my destiny.

One note: 9 out of 10 of us are doomed? Small business failure statistics are suspect... But how doomed is a software entrepreneur who fails? The failure scenario is generally, "Oh well, I guess I have to fall back on a 6-figure job."

I haven't seen any articles that preach the "undisputed manifesto" of startups (what the hell does that even mean?).

[1] http://www.businessweek.com/smallbiz/content/apr2010/sb20100...

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