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Then someone, somewhere needs to make ozone.

And get it up to the ozone layer, because at ground level it's a pollutant which causes lung damage.

Falcon 9s?

It continues to amaze me that (some) people (appear to) believe we have a fixed quantity of ozone and once that's depleted, we're in trouble.

From [1, PDF]: "These reactions occur continually whenever solar ultraviolet radiation is present in the stratosphere."

[1] https://www.esrl.noaa.gov/csd/assessments/ozone/2010/twentyq...

Yeah but every chlorine atom up there is a nanomachine that destroys all ozone molecules it can touch, and it lasts one century in average. So, given enough, no amount of ozone generation can compensate.

It seems to me, looking at the chemical reaction whereby a chlorine atom breaks Ozone into two O2 molecules and then two O2 molecules form Ozone, that it actually increases the amount of O2 that is available for forming Ozone.

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