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I think you've reinforced the point they were making. It's pitched as easier, but clear examples of common usage aren't provided. You've provided a response longer than the 9 line Dockerfile, and we still don't know how to replicate it with guix.

I thought giving concrete commandline invocations to be rather clear and precise.

I use 'guix environment <somepackage>' and 'guix system vm config.scm' every day. I don't need more, cause these two solves most of the problems that was described earlier.

What is it I can provide that would be clearer, more common usage, than the examples I use almost literally as they are here?

And that 9 line docker file references at least one other unknown file, and is part of a bigger program. Docker would not be able to reproduce with the information given in that post. How do you expect me to reproduce something with at least 2 huge unknowns?

That is why you got a more generic answer for implementation, but once you have your implementation once, you only need the commandlines I provided.

That Dockerfile simply runs the commands listed therein in a glorified chroot, and then packages the result. The commands could easily be wget tar.ball && tar xf tar.ball && ./configure --prefix=/bla/bla/docker/ && make -j4 && make install

So, the question is, how to package something with guix, and how to run it.

With docker you run something as docker run [--interactive] [--terminal] [--entrypoint=...] <image> [[command] args]

Your libsodium fork example is nice, but we still don't know how to package a simple program.

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