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"State machine" was the easiest for simpler stuff. I put it in quotes because it feels like one, but probably isn't.

Map out each state of your workflow, and having errors give the option to fix immediately, try again, or revert to a previously known-good state. You likely want to start with a 10,000ft view of the workflow and then work on each of those steps as an independent unit and add all of their intermediate steps (on and on until you reach the bottom of the recursion).

This gives you a good opportunity to break things up into microservices that completely handle individual steps if they are big and detailed enough.

P2P is hardest because you will likely need to code something to determine who should decide to move things to the next state (simple majority? one person elected?) and keep track of consensus between all parties.

Orchestration is easier because there's usually one person, one role, or one security claim in control at a particular step and changing who can advance the state at each step is pretty easy as well.

All of this was mostly for the goal of really easy unit testing.

But note that whatever backing data store you use can be changed by any developer unless you code all of the business rules there, too. Many people do not like doing this though because it's not as easy as all of the unit testing frameworks, debuggers, and IDEs we have for code.

The challenge is that you need to know the workflow completely and that will very likely involve talking to a lot of people and the chances you will miss one or two edge cases is high. The counter to that challenge is that as developers building a product that saves time/money, you can bend the workflow to make it easier to code and sometimes eliminate those extra steps (literally, we had someone copying and pasting stuff to 'make it work', so of course we can automate that).

Saving known-good states can also be challenging depending on what you're doing, but if you need change history or diff'ing in a user-consumable form, you'll have to do that anyway. If you get this right, it can save your users a lot of potentially lost work and headache if a bug gets past unit testing.

Once everything is modular, logging isn't too difficult either.

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