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Ok now it is making sense. The same would be true if you went to three dots.... the third person would think, “wait, why aren’t the two blue dotted people killing themselves? There must be a third blue dot... wait, the third blue dot must be me”

That makes sense. What about the other commenter, who said something like “Alice has a blue dot.”

Wouldn’t that not lead to everyone’s death?

In your three dots logic, this would have a red dot person kill themselves if there are two blue dots: The two blue dotted people aren't killing themselves because they are still thinking "wait, why isn't he killing himself" about the other.

I feel like some timing procedures need to be defined.

I think the 'they meet every night' is supposed to be the 'timing procedure'

I think that "Alice has a blue dot" is technically not a statement about the number of blue dots.

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