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Knime is very similar concept giving you access to building blocks like models, evaluators, input transformers, etc. so that you can make arbitrary ML pipelines. It doesn't have the slick drag'n'drop of input data. Instead you use an input building block and point it to a data store of some sort (text files, images, database, etc.). Also, it doesn't generally output models for direct use in other applications but you can output using PMML. Knime is also very useful for analysts, data scientists, etc. who aren't software engineers. Lobe has run with the concept pioneered earlier by folks like Knime, RapidMiner, WEKA, etc. They've simplified the process of quickly getting a working model by constraining on one model type and one input type. If your use case matches, it's a great innovation. If not, per usual, no free lunch.

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