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Care to share the model name? Interesting price

I don't see that particular model now, but a search for $35 phones on Aliexpress [1] (where I bought it), shows plenty of similar enough phones.

Get the AliExpress mobile app and keep your eye on it for a few weeks, and you are bound to get a better deal.

Of course, it will probably copy all your data (including speech and movements) both to Google and 100 Chinese corporations + partnering government agencies, but that kinda comes with the territory.

(Especially as even brand names phones on Amazon, even when they are not using a compromised chpset like Rok, might really be cheapo fakes with the right SKU numbers, that are siphoning off that data as well.)

[1]: https://he.aliexpress.com/category/5090301/mobile-phones.htm...

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