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Do people do anything to prevent, or delay, the knees, shoulder, or back issues?

Yes, but prolonged wear and tear will eventually rear some issues. There's not much you can do if you need to be on a ladder for 6 hours a day, for example.

I'd guess some would be preventable with proper "maintenance" (having good posture, stretches, taking care of your limits, good nutrition, etc)

But even sports figures have issues and retire early, so I don't think that is so clear cut and that doing things the right way solves everything

Yeah, my dad was a carpenter, and I grew up working on job sites with him during the summers. His strategy was to never bend over if he could help it. Simple things like setting things down on something waist height instead of on the floor whenever possible.

I've started this exact process a couple days ago while moving all my life to the bay this past week; I don't feel nearly as worn out at the end of the day because of it.

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