Looking for some inspriration and ideas!
What has been your most fulfilling job/project and why?
I've been looking to make a change away from typical enterprise development (full stack web developer) as it's not just about the paycheck any more. Recent events have given me a different perspective. Perhaps looking to join a team of great people doing something worthwhile or start my own consultancy helping people solve problems in a sector I can feel good about. Just not sure what that service looks like yet.
The best bit about being a developer I've found is when working directly with the customer who is in some distress and the look on their face when you solve the problem and make their life easier, even if it was easy to solve. I'd love to find something where every day was like that!
Due to the embedded real-time, mission-critical aspect of the software, the strictness of the process and focus on documentation can be frustrating. The space industry typically doesn't keep pace with new technologies, so we're often stuck using "tried and tested" tools that can feel antiquated. I sometimes feel jealous of developers at agile startups keeping pace with the most new technologies and frameworks that are desirable.
But the knowledge that I will have a significant amount of code that will (hopefully) run on another planet in the search for extraterrestrial life - something I can consider one of the most important thing our species should be doing - is extremely rewarding and motivating.