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It’s not a redefining of terms. People abuse language and speak in ways that aren’t necessarily technically correct. For instance many times a person will say “fine” when asked how they are doing even if they really aren’t doing fine. Here fine is mostly used as an acknowledgement of the other person's greeting.

I gave an interpretation of what people really mean by “education is free”. If you wish to argue that people who say this phrase don’t mean what I say it means then do so. I might be wrong. But don’t get all pedantic on the dictionary definitions of words. We are talking about what people mean when they say something not what it logically ought to mean.

It appears surprising to you that not everyone is precise in what they say. Sometimes people say what they mean and sometimes they mean what they say. But lots of times they don’t. If this is a surprise to you then I implore you to reconsider your understanding of the nature of human communication.

> It appears surprising to you that not everyone is precise in what they say. Sometimes people say what they mean and sometimes they mean what they say. But lots of times they don’t. If this is a surprise to you then I implore you to reconsider your understanding of the nature of human communication.

I am aware what people mean when they call a public service free. I meant to remind people that the cost does not disappear, which is not obvious to everyone.

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