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I count myself among the group I believe you're alluding to, though not as you've described it. If I'm spending my time playing a game, I don't want to waste queuing time only to discover that I've been placed in an unplayable match because someone is cheating. When this becomes prevalent (always seeing a cheater if you play > 1 hr), I'll quit the game, because it's taking the fun out of it for me, and potentially giving satisfaction to cheaters, which I'd rather avoid.

So I'd appreciate a warning that I'm being spied on, and perhaps a description of ways they're avoiding sensitive data. But the game I'm going to quit is the one where I can't get away from cheaters: not the one where the game makers are being overzealous in watching for them.

I apologize for the negative tone. I should have tried to make my point more neutrally, with less exaggeration. I have major complaints with how single-player games have been given minor online integrations that have justified locking them down completely in the name of anti-cheat. It has left me a little jaded.

But, that's neither here nor there. Regardless of my personal feelings, the average gamer agrees with you. Arenanet had pure intentions. They were trying to fulfill the wishes of their fans, so the mistake in how they rolled this out will be forgiven.

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