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To start with, I didn't know much about charting on the web before this project. (It's much harder than in Python :P)

I briefly looked at all the charting libraries on this list here: https://hackernoon.com/9-best-javascript-charting-libraries-...

If I were doing this project over again, I'd probably use [Chartist](https://gionkunz.github.io/chartist-js/) as out of all the libraries I looked at, it seems to be the easiest to get up and running.

While charts.js is a little more interactive, it was a little painful to get up and running.

The time slider is just an input slider some jQuery I wrote that dynamically loads up a new dataset and calls the redraw function in charts.js to load up a new chart.

Overall, as someone with entry-level experience in both manipulating data and web development, I found the overall process to be a little rough at first, but it got a lot better once I got the hang of the library.

In total, the entire website took me about a week, with 2 hours of work every day. So something like 15 hours, total?

Wow... nice work. It's not my first foray into data visualization but it will be my first serious attempt at working it from the ground up. Thanks for the info!

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