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There is going to be a higher threshold of self-driving vehicles, because random accidents by random people is not narrative-inspiring but for self-driving vehicles all accidents will be the fault of The Corporation. Every single individual accident will be the focus of world media fascination and speculation to derive how the motives of the corporation's singular supermind chose to allow it to happen, which will turn out to be that it was too greedy, scheming, uncaring, lazy, etc. There will be intense focus on a trickle of rare accidents because they are caused by a powerful corporate overmind that is potentially betraying us all, and little interest in a greater number of random accidents caused by no one of particular recognition for no discernable reason. Which is exactly what we've seen so far.

> random accidents by random people is not narrative-inspiring but for self-driving vehicles all accidents will be the fault of The Corporation

I think we can conclude, absent conditions of wilful neglect, that this hypothesis is false. I thought this, too. But people are reacting reasonably to Tesla and Uber’s, erm, faux pas.

I'm inclined to say "too reasonably" given the fact that the statistics seem to imply a much higher risk from the self-driving software than a human driver (Uber doesn't have many miles driven and Tesla is using overall-telsa statistics to hide the auto-pilot statistics).

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