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Yes, unfortunately I don't think it is satire, unless they've gone to immense effort... see the guy's twitter feed, etc.

The author recommends building some kind of abstract structure factory which has perhaps five external dependencies per codeblock, a composer file, vague notions like dependency injection, auto-wiring, containers, routing, middleware, request factories, response interfaces, a class hierarchy and an obtuse non-production webserver in mental overhead ... lauding the design because he says it complies with a bunch of numbered standards that allow you to swap out your layers-of-assumption components.

This is blatant false economy. Nobody ever swaps out components. Nobody in fire-and-forget webdev land cares about standards. Just get the thing out the door, keep it simple, and thus keep it maintainable.

As others have commented, explicit code is clearer. Clearer code has less bugs.

Why not save the hassle and just use:

<html><head></head><body>Hello, <?php print anti_xss_function_of_choice($_GET['worldtype']); ?> world!</body></html>

This is the 'new PHP' from ~1995, seamlessly using decades of high efficiency improvements to kernel caches, networking gear, the interpreter itself and webservers. Zero complexity, not a class in sight, and definitely no middleware. It's a great language, when not misused.

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