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I've seen several people mentioning pair programming, which I haven't found useful (too much time wasted while one person is coding the "easy" parts, and not enough time for the more experienced person to think about the difficult parts. YMMV.)

In my experience, the most helpful way is

1) code review. Several iterations of all new code. Efficiency, style, correctness, smaller functions, don't repeat code. This takes time, and as the person doing the reviews, you might feel like you aren't getting anywhere, but a few months done the line it will be very rewarding when it finally "clicks".

2) Looking at code and theory in 1:1s. Normally I spend about 10-30 minutes on HR type stuff and the rest of the ~1h 1:1 is spent on training/mentorship. Sometimes looking at specific code reviews and explaining reasoning behind the comments in more details. Sometimes it's to fill in gaps in the person's theoretical knowledge about syntax, algorithms, style, unit tests, caching, whatever weaknesses were identified.

1:1 time and code-review should form the basis of all coding education at all levels IMO.

Shameless plug for HyperionDev[0], the coding bootcamp provider I'm working with where we focus on 1:1 time and code review both for our customers and for our dev team.

[0] https://www.hyperiondev.com

one of the pair can tend to other things while the other is hammering out the “easy” parts... as for the “not enough time for more experienced person to work through the hard parts”, isn’t the point that it’s a partner activity? the idea being together, you’re going faster

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