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IMHO only http://fairpixels.pro and http://airbnb.com are good. They both immediately tell me what they're selling and don't bombard me with visual information.

Stripe's page has so much detailed graphics and distractions on their site that it took me a moment to even realize I was on stripe's page. They even display a bunch of other product logos on their page more prominently (and in color!) than their own - as if intentionally trying to mislead me further [1].

Dropbox's page seems to have an identity crisis but they get away with it because people know what they really are. They're selling me some abstract "workspace" - I have no idea what that means and it's probably not what most people use dropbox for. They immediately want to sign me up for it though?

1: https://i.imgur.com/IcpYiOR.png

I feel the Dropbox redesign was horrible. The look & feel just doesn't make sense.

The colors, the fonts.. It's like they asked an eccentric fashion designer to make the webpage. Really, does anyone like it? o_o

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