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A Simple Guide to Machine Learning with Decision Trees (amazon.com)
68 points by donut2d on March 28, 2018 | hide | past | favorite | 13 comments

Very high level, but I think http://www.r2d3.us/ is actually a pretty good visual intro, although it skips over information gain/CART metrics.

wow, that is nicely done!

I'm usually not for people pushing books on HN like this, but this is entirely too relevant to my interests not to thank you for posting this. Visualizing my processes has by far been the hardest part of getting my CS degree, and I have a professor this semester as well as next that is obsessed with machine learning.

So. I can't buy this free book because I'm in the UK?


It's available in uk too, via Kindle Unlimited. I think I got that with Prime. Please note, you won't buy the book, but borrow it.

https://www.amazon.co.uk/Decision-Trees-Random-Forests-Intro... ?

This concept of free doesn't really align with my concept of free.

Only free if you pay a monthly kindle subscription--which apparently does not extend into the UK.

Hmm, seems like it's free to read too. Maybe it's free for Prime customers?

US based, Prime customer here. They seem to want me to sign up for kindle unlimited before I can read/buy it.

There are two buttons on the page, one for 'read it for free via kindle unlimited' and one for 'buy the book'. You naturally go for the first button that leads to a kindle unlimited signup form, but when you look closely at the page you will see that the price of the book is $0.00 so if you just 'buy' the book you get it for free without the kindle unlimited BS.

Thanks for this... Because of the big push to Kindle Unlimited, I didn't realize the Kindle edition was actually free without the subscription.

Is this an ad? News? What are we supposed to do with this submission? How did this make it to the frontpage?

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