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> Maintaining a static site with a CDN costs less than 5$ a month.

That's putting it mildly! I host a (small) static webpage on AWS S3 + CloudFront, and my monthly bill is 56 cents.

56 cts until one of your article gets published on HN and you are billed for a TB of data transfer.

It was on top of HN last year. I paid 60 cents that month.

The AWS CDN is really cheap, and 1 TB is a truly massive amount. Remember, this is static content, not megabytes of useless JS dependencies.

In any event, it's easy to set a budget in AWS. I'll add one now, just to be safe.

My blog was on top of HN multiple times in the last years. I had an article that reached past a TB by itself.

It's not the javascript but the medias that are expensive. Pictures, drawings, schemas. God forbids if you have a gif or a video.

It would be free on netlify.com.

I'm always afraid that those free services start to change their policies and suddenly your site doesn't work without you knowing. The 60 cents for hosting it somewhere I have a business relationship with, rather than a simple ToS, are easily worth it.

Then setup a monitor:


If they change the ToS then move. That's the great thing about static sites, you just plonk it anywhere and you're good to go.

Maybe the 56 cents is worth more for them than the possibility of some hours of downtime to set up the site on another server.

Can you write a how to guide on this?

[0] add files to S3 [1] configure Route53 to show those files at a domain name with permissions [2] use Cloudfront as a CDN to that S3 data.

[0] https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/user-guide/uploa... [1] https://docs.aws.amazon.com/Route53/latest/DeveloperGuide/Ro... [2] https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonCloudFront/latest/Develope...

Sure, I could do that. Just yesterday someone described AWS as an "Ikea" construction set, where it's all there but you have to figure it out (and the AWS documentation is not very good). I need to start blogging, anyway, so thanks for the push.

I use GatsbyJS, a static site generator, to create my blog and use Netlify for continuous deployment + hosting. Netlify also provides free CDN and SSL.

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