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> But having and raising children is literally one of the most natural things to want to do with your life.

"Natural" is not good. Life in nature is nasty, brutish, and short.

Some other things that aren't natural include eyeglasses, prosthetic limbs, vaccines, antibiotics, air conditioning, cooked food, and electronics.

I worship artifice, and I find the idea that natural things are laudable to be repugnant in every possible way.

I'm also a proud trans woman, and that's sure as hell not natural either. I utterly detest nature.

We are kind of puny in the grand scheme of the entire natural universe, and we have a lot to learn from it.

All of those artificial things you praise came about through the intense study of nature.

We can learn from nature and appreciate its great beauty without being a slave to it.

One could argue that many of the artificial things are there just to counter the negatives of other artificial things just to keep the whole thing going.

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