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It's a complex topic (obviously). I won't attempt to figure out what they were saying, but some of the issue (and maybe annoyance) is that companies like Google and Reddit are spineless. They'll host stuff all day when it makes them money, but as soon as there is public outcry, they get scared and you can tell where their bread is buttered. There's no real principle there (whether it be free speech or some liberal values), it's just cynical money grabbing as long as they can get away with it.

It's not like this stuff is new. These same attacks have been going on for decades, only now does Google decide they've had enough. It's the reversal of position which is strange. Reddit's had videos of people getting chopped up and flayed for years now, it's only now they're cutting down on it. That seems strangely connected to them getting $200 million in funding and chasing after Facebook's tail. Maybe that's not strange, just obvious.

I'm ranting a bit, but the problem is how top down these decisions are. These companies build up communities then pull the rug out from under them. Either support that stuff or don't, but this wishy washy nonsense where they only react is lame. What do these companies really beleive in? $.

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