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Of course safety is compatible with being a hacker. However, safety rules are not unique to hackers nor makers. My issue with the parent is the linking to some makerspace's rules as if they speak for the community at large. Much the same way I find it goofy to use the glider from the Game of Life as the emblem of hackers everywhere.

The U.S. Navy's KISS principle equally applies to the amorphous concept of being a hacker, but you don't see people espousing that as a tenant.

I just guess I'm against people attributing ideas, &c to something that doesn't need them in the first place (and may even be better when left to the abstract). shrug

> The U.S. Navy's KISS principle equally applies to the amorphous concept of being a hacker, but you don't see people espousing that as a tenant.

Well I hear it espoused all the time. I think you do too, otherwise you would not be referencing a 1960s phrase in 2018.

> My issue with the parent is the linking to some makerspace's rules as if they speak for the community at large.

There is no community at large. This site is called hackernews. Paul Graham constantly writes about what a hacker would do in situation X. Literally anybody who feels like it can call themselves a hacker. There is no professional body, w00t!

So if London hackerspace says they are hackers, and they write some rules, ergo => some legit hackers made those rules

> I just guess I'm against people attributing ideas, &c to something that doesn't need them in the first place (and may even be better when left to the abstract)

Well you sound miserable if you are against some people calling themselves hackers.

> Well I hear it espoused all the time. I think you do too, otherwise you would not be referencing a 1960s phrase in 2018.

You misread. Tenant of hacker-dom.

> There is no community at large. This site is called hackernews. Paul Graham constantly writes about what a hacker would do in situation X. Literally anybody who feels like it can call themselves a hacker. There is no professional body, w00t!

Exactly my point.

> Well you sound miserable if you are against some people calling themselves hackers.

Ad hominem isn't necessary.

sorry, bad day.

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