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This reminds me of Popcorn time so much.

Rightholders do not fear torrents as long as they are unusable for the general population.

The second they see something usable — they go berserk.

Gonna need some popcorn to watch this one.

Likewise, the traditional publishers often respond to demands by funders to make research available by e.g. allowing researchers to share their work elsewhere, and often only after a year or so after publication [0]. This makes the barrier to do so higher, and makes the research less findable. It's not odd to expect that when initiatives like Unpaywall [1] make that research more discoverable, things like embargo periods will get worse.

[0] https://medium.com/flockademic/how-open-can-open-access-be-c...

[1] https://unpaywall.org/

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