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Try using Outlook web access, or windows genuine advantage or MSDN download in firefox

So your grouse is ActiveX doesn't work in Firefox?

Why not also complain that vendor specific -moz and -webkit prefixes don't work in IE?

FWIW, Outlook Web Access works perfectly well (in "light mode") in Chrome and Firefox, and I can download from MSDN just fine.

"Exchange 2010 adds some important changes for non-Internet Explorer browsers by officially and fully supporting both Firefox and Safari with its Premium version of the Outlook Web Access client."

OWA degrades to what I deem a much cleaner client than the version you get if you use IE. The OWA you get in IE7+ uses ActiveX or some sort of Windows-specific JavaScript trickery which is why they restrict it's access to a browser they know will be used on Windows.

I don't really know what WGA is but have seen logos for it in the computer info dialog. I regularly download things from MSDNAA in Chrome, haven't tried the full MSDN portal.

FWIW I downloaded an ISO from MSDN yesterday in Firefox and checked my Exchange email in Firefox with the IEtab add-on.

IEtab doesn't count. You're just framing the IE rendering engine in firefox chrome.

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