I'm currently pursuing a part-time Online MS degree through Georgia Tech in Analytics. One course is very programming intensive (I had to learn d3, JavaScript, Java, and Scala from scratch so far this semester). Another course is math heavy.
I'm struggling in both courses for different reasons, but it comes down to a single self-assessment: My brain feels like soup, and I just don't feel as sharp anymore. It takes me way too long to absorb information, and requires reading the same topic from multiple sources before things click.
I was never really "smart" in the sense that things clicked naturally, but as I get older, and time becomes more valuable, I think my brain has been accustomed to inefficient study/learning methods. How do I re-wire my brain to be more efficient in absorbing information?
In CS and engineering, I find that concepts are hard when you don't have the basic building blocks.
It's really important to know the building blocks intuitively, and not simply on the surface. It's not enough to know something enough to pass a test. You should know it well enough to not even worry about the test.
A good rule of thumb is when you can't absorb a concept, find the prerequisite concepts, and learn those well. So something like image processing, you should know your (Fast) Fourier Transforms, your memory management and pointers.
Once you know all the basic concepts intuitively, the more advanced things just seem to emerge naturally.