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For some idiotic reason Netflix geofences their subtitles. Here in Sweden you're lucky if there are even the original English subtitles available for the thing you're trying to watch.

I've even managed to find a few shows where they didn't even bother to allow disabling the subtitles!

> For some idiotic reason Netflix geofences their subtitles.

Same clusterfuck as with other copyright things. Different companies have the rights to the subtitles and it depends on what terms Netflix got. One of the reasons [0] I mentioned why piracy is still superior even for someone paying and wanting to pay.

[0]: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=16360517

They don’t. I’m living in Singapore, but have family in Germany and Thailand. If you want to have Thai subtitles in Singapore or Germany, you can create a User with Thai set as the UI language, then you also get offered audio and subtitles in Thai.

It’s not documented and totally not intuitive, I only discovered that by accident, but it works very well.

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