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There is no evolutionary pressure.

Evolution is not an endless race to a superior form: mother nature is content with "good enough". Many modern sharks arrived 100 million years ago while modern humans are believed to be 70,000 years old. Why? Sharks were good enough.

Humans are good enough now. Even weak people can survive just fine - even people with defective genes that would not survive enough to reproduce a century ago. Not only dumb people can survive but there are evidence they procreate a lot more than smart people.

I'm just playing the devil's advocate.

Don't mistake the term evolution for selecting only intrinsically superior or ideal traits. What if humanity evolve to being dominantly near sighted because it is no longer a killer condition?

Does it even make sense to talk about "superior" or "ideal traits" in humans? People who like to talk about eugenics tend to end up wearing funny little hats and red arm bands (only half joking here). :-)

I used to care about the direction mankind is taking when I was younger. Now that I have way more years behind me than ahead - I will die soon and so will everyone I know - I could not care less. It may sound bitter but it is also liberating.

The last person to leave the planet please turn the lights off. Or don't. All I know is that I won't be here.

"There is no evolutionary pressure."

Sure there is.

Are the people who are having lots of children that survive to adulthood today different in significant ways from the people who had lots of children who survived to adulthood 100 years ago?

Clearly, yes.

> Not only dumb people can survive but there are evidence they procreate a lot more than smart people.

If dumb people survive and procreate more than smart people, and if intelligence is hereditary, the human race will become dumber.

That's evolution, dude.

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