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I won't even comment on if an uber driver is an entrepreneur, but this is wrong:

> One common feature of entrepreneurship is making money while sleeping.

Do you not consider mom and pop shops entrepreneurs? Local business that close at 5pm-6pm. I'm also not sure small business would usually qualify for this:

> entrepreneurship requires a freedom to develop the business and take economic advantage of extraordinary market opportunities should they arise

Walmart is an example of successful entrepreneurship starting with a mom and pop shop. Sam Walton made money because he had the freedom to hire other people and scale the business beyond his waking hours. An Uber driver can't.

Don't get me wrong, every mom and pop shop isn't run by successful entrepreneurs. But when the local team is doing well, they have the freedom to dedicate shelf space to big foam fingers in the appropriate color and up the price to whatever the traffic will bear. An Uber driver can't set prices when the Super Bowl comes to town.

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