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Looks good. Few notes:

1. During sign up, I'm super confused why you have to set up anything related to payout before setting up your coffee page -- this is inverted to the way it should be. Get them the page as soon as possible and let them share and accept donations, then IF (big if, I bet the median amount raised is $0) they have a literal financial incentive to set up their friction-filled payout form process. If you're too worried about things going viral, then set a limit (e.g., if after $600 raised they don't have payout set up, e-mail them saying the page will stop being public until they set up payout).

2. You should curate your "creators we love" page. I hit explore and found a softcore instagram BDSM model as the first hit, and a page with a lot of comments about foot fetishes. Probably not the content you want to call out as one of the companies favorites. I would actually look at all the ones you rotate on that page and make sure they are on brand.

There are some tactical things (eg, the dropdown for country should have USA at the top, assuming thats where most of your users are) but those micro optimizations won't matter if you just re-arrange the info gathering to after the delivery of value.

#1 is will going to totally change your funnel in an important way -- I'd try it out!

Good luck!

> Dropdown for country should have USA at the top.

Better, have it in regular order but pre-select with geolocation. If you use something like freegeoip.net you can progressively-enhance this with a couple of lines of JS.

Quick update: We've pushed this feature live. Thanks!

First off, thanks for such a comprehensive feedback!

1. You can skip that page in one-click; but I get your point. We decided to do this to avoid any confusion for new creators; especially when the whole point of the platform is to receive payments. Creators usually spend no more than a minute to sign up, so we never thought it'd be an issue. Thanks for pointing this out :)

2. Good point. Featured section is currently rotated on a daily basis based on activity and other factors (such as page views). Hope manual curation will solve this.

Thanks a lot!

No problem, happy to help. Feel free to email me directly (email in HN profile) if you want more thoughts at a later date, I enjoy giving feedback on new projects.

I missed the "skip" button, but I think you get the underlying point. You'll want to accelerate the "magic moment" as much as possible, which is the moment your users grok the value your service provides (and you'll see this in your data as you look at user retention rates for the cohort that hit this moment in your funnel vs. those that did not). You should try to figure out what this is, then obsessively try to remove as much friction as possible to getting to that point.

My guess is that for you it's either a) seeing your coffee page; or b) getting your first coffee donation (probably the second). Either way, remove as much setup as possible to create the coffee page, sharing it to their network, and get money coming in the door.


Spot on. I'm sure it'll have a positive impact on conversions.

BTW we'd love to hear more from you. Email is on its way :)

> There are some tactical things (eg, the dropdown for country should have USA at the top,

Just do it alphabetically and perhaps provide a search-based dropdown function. Damn patriots.

The advice would apply to any country. It makes sense to have defaults that are applicable to most of your users.

Since this is HN: sniff the Accept-Language perhaps, and guess from that; but please do keep the alphabetic list as well, in case you guess wrong.

This kind of feedback I really love to see in Show HN. It's very well thought out, and has some clear take aways to action on.

Very true!

Well said.

A couple of my own observations...

1. The summertext text area doesn't like brackets. I tried to leave a "<3 Open-Source" at the bottom of my summary and it gets changed to "<3>" everytime.

2. Center-justified profile text feels kinda wierd. At 1080p I feel there is too much negative space around the summary text. Perhaps a little wider on the text, left-justify, and then center the div containing the text.

3. Maybe you could add a user photo gallery section where users can upload images and/or files related to whatever they're looking for donations on?

Thanks for taking time to share feedback, @zelon88!

1 & 2. Noted. We'll look into this right away.

3. This is already on our roadmap. Going live soon :)


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