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some coding sites found by me, a science teacher: https://studio.code.org/s/express I like this - it's easy - if I am required to teach middle-school kids some coding I will probably use this; https://www.computerscienceforkids.com/beginningvisualstudio... curricula for SmallBasic, C#, Java, VisualBasic for kids+ ; https://makecode.com/#about Microsoft IoT + coding for kids http://interactivepython.org/runestone/static/thinkcspy/inde... Interactive Python; https://www.lazarus-ide.org/ Lazarus = Free Pascal - some teachers use this; https://jsfiddle.net/ some teachers like this - nothing to install, code Javascript online; http://happyfuncoding.com/ the one site I can always remember the name of; http://physics.weber.edu/schroeder/html5/ am I allowed to love Newton's Cannon, written in simple Javascript on one page?

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