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Really looking forward to using this. BeautifulSoup is great, but it's counterintuitive (I always need to refer to documentation even for very basic aspects that I've used dozens of times before) and it's often slow and has some really weird xml bugs)

Also check out newspaper3k if you haven't seen it. It is high level, but really useful for a bunch of simple scraping related use cases

> BeautifulSoup is great, but it's counterintuitive (I always need to refer to documentation even for very basic aspects that I've used dozens of times before) and it's often slow and has some really weird xml bugs)

I won't argue the slowness and the occasional bugs, but unlike you I find b4 to be very intuitive. And this is mainly why I use it, despite its faults. Maybe our use case are different, but with a basic knowledge of html, I only rarely find myself reading the documentation. Care to give some examples of what you find counter-intuitive?

Same! Python requests is one of my favorite libraries of all time. Kenneth Reitz is a treasure.

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