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And this is why front end/electron devs should do at least half of their work on low spec/5+ yo machines. If your product is aimed at the average end consumer, you’re locking out or making life hard for quite a number of users if you approach resource consumption in such a nonchalant manner. Not everybody has 8GB+ quad core machines! There are lots of dual core machines with RAM somewhere south of 4GB still in active use every day.

Funny enough, I've got a 2013 (?) Mac Mini with 8GB of RAM and a 2560xwhatever monitor. It's good enough for the vast majority of the development work I do, whether it's HTML/JS/CSS stuff, or iOS stuff, or Elixir projects, or C/C++ projects, or whatever.

Unless I've got Slack, Keybase, Spotify, etc open. Those just cripple the machine. Also Outlook, but I recently replaced it with Thunderbird and it seems to run much better. I find that my complaints are mostly met with accusations of being an old man (I'm 34...).

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