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This is my favourite stack here by far. What are your pain points?

NixOps supposedly supports several hosting providers, but the DigitalOcean integration is currently broken. AWS works great, but it's annoying to be forced into that choice by the tool.

Haskell and Elm both work great, but I can imagine in future using something like Haste or PureScript Bridge; it'd be nice to work with both the backend and UI as a single project. Not a pain currently, but this is a nice to have.

Biggest pain is documentation. Haskell stuff is documented, but more hand-holdy examples would be ideal. OTOH, some language communities have a culture of writing documentation that is too hand-holdy, flooded with emojis, and is generally frustratingly infantilising. I'd like Haskell to strike a balance between the two. I'm optimistic we'll get there eventually.

Have you run into design decision limitations with Elm yet?

Nope. Not in any of the several products I've put in production with Elm. There have been times when I've needed more things than Elm provides — one time I needed a library for parsing a streaming JSON response — but the JS interop through ports works just fine.

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