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Don't worry. The globe has been in a cooling period for the last 18 years despite a 6x increase in emissions. The only people saying we have a climate crisis on our hands are the political organizations that wish to implement taxes and de-industrialize the west. Plenty of reputable scientists have shown that the CO2 crisis is highly exaggerated if not completely unfounded.


> The globe has been in a cooling period for the last 18 years

No, it hasn't.


My friend, NOAA and IPCC have been proven to purposefully manipulate the data to achieve their political agenda. These orgs build all their charts with Models on theorized data even for dates that have already passed. Their models do not factor in heat from the sun, geo thermal cycles, nor orbiting cycles around the sun (which changes from circle to ellipses). Please look into how these orgs are ran & the whistle blowers that have come out. Also see the emails that wiki-leaks has released. Climate change is a trillion dollar industry built entirely on deception and FUD.

Edit: 18 year cooling proven with satellite data https://www.forbes.com/sites/peterferrara/2014/02/24/the-per...

The RSS dataset that article is based on (other than the storied scientific principle of cherry-picking your end-points to obtain the most favourable trend for your conclusion) turned out to be incorrect, according to RSS, mostly because of failing to fully account for orbital drift:


You essentially just linked me a document that admits they have to fudge the data to get the result they are looking for because the actual readings don't support their conclusion. It also makes no mention of the fact that Every 25 to 30 years the oceans undergo a natural cycle where the colder water below churns to replace the warmer water.

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