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> Except this sucks if, you know, you want to make some money on your app...

Why is that a problem? You get a commercial license for PyQt and are good to go(?)

> I love Python, but it has stagnated hard in the last few years. The 2 to 3 transition really hurt the Python ecosystem [...]

I disagree. I think the ecosystem is more vibrant than ever.

> Furthermore, packaging for different platforms is still a problem in 2018.

That is exactly what this project is trying to help with.

$500 dollars... is "not expensive"?

Beside the ML/AI sub-community, I am having a hard time finding GUI innovation in the Python ecosystem. Perhaps, you could show me an option that doesn't suck? I've tried Kivy, PyQt, PySide, Eel, gooey, etc... I am not a JS dev and had an electron/react app up and running that I easily ported to my Android phone in under an hour.

I guess it depends on how much time you spend on an app. I've been working on my PyQt app [1] for 2331 hours (I track my time). $500 is nothing in comparison.

[1]: https://fman.io

Yeah, I wish you all the luck... but look at it from a new programmer perspective, or someone that wants to create an app for money, but doesn't know if it will work.

On one hand you have the complex licensing thing (PyQt) where you are limited to desktop of Mac, Win, Linux. On the other you have a skill (JS dev) that is good for literally any screen, on any platform with almost zero complications for commercial apps. It is a no brainer.

If it isn't obvious, I have begun the transition to embrace JS for what it is... I am learning it and it hasn't been too bad. Python will be relegated to ML/AI and glue...

You raise valid points. Of course, a web developer who has never used Python will be more comfortable with Electron. That may be a very good reason for her to prefer it.

Regarding licensing, you can simply buy the commercial license only when you go public / begin making money. It's not that difficult I think.

But as I said, you are correct in that Electron is easier to use for many people. I'm also the last person to say you should always use PyQt. Just today I recommended someone to use Electron over PyQt. It really depends on the project.

Yeah, strange how other people outside IT manage to sell their work while having to pay for their tools.


  if nuklear.button_label(title="Button"):
         print("Button pressed!")

There’s toga (https://toga.readthedocs.org) which looks reallypromising.

Tried it... needs a TON of work. Go read the gitter. So much churn and jank that it really isn't an option. period.

It is a month salary, quite ok if one is making money with the work of others.

The licensing is a problem for an Electron competitor. I really wanted to use Python / Qt to make a desktop application I'd like to sale, but got confused by the licensing issues. I'll just use Electron. I hate that this is the case, but pretty screenshots and good marketing will be far more important than a fast startup time.

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