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Fastmail will let you do it for $50 per year if you pay upfront. Just not sure why anyone would run an email server other than extreme paranoia. It’s hardly a set it and forget it affair.

I ran my own mail server for years because I didn't trust Google with _all_ my data. Started colocated server for a while, then VPS, then cloud. Setting up an maintaining SPAM mechanisms on a low volume mail server is a nightmare.

Switched to Fastmail and haven't looked back. Their Android and Web client are great and they've opened their JMAP[0] interface.

[0] http://jmap.io/

> Just not sure why anyone would run an email server other than extreme paranoia.



Fastmail is great until their support hands your account over to some random person that just happened to ask.


They have a very strong privacy policy, they’re not just going to hand your email over to a “random” person.

How is it not set and forget?

I set up my configs ~5 years ago, and other than apt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade, I havent had to do anything

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