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Like any domain-specific algorithms PNG uses deflate as a final step after using image-specific filters which take advantage of typical 2D features. So in general png will do much better than gzip on image data, but it will generally always do at least as well (perhaps I should have said that originally). In particular, the worse case .png compression (e.g., if you pass it random data, or text or something) is to use the "no op" filter followed by the usual deflate compression, which will end up right around plain gzip.

Now at least as good is enough for my point: by compressing a .png file with gzip you aren't going to see additional compression in general. When compressing a base-64 or hex encoding .png file, the additional compression you see is largely only a result of removing the redundancy of the encoding, not any compression of the underlying image.

Ooops, that should read "Like many domain-specific algorithms" not "Like any ..."

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