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Will this become the Rust's era Minix (which encouraged a certain student to do an improved version?)

That would be Redox.


Redox looks very cool!

It is very funny that their "Screenshots" tab is full of pictures of real computer screens:


To me that looks like they are just trying to show their software running on real machines. Which is why they show the whole laptop in the picture. A screenshot saying "Here it is running on a Thinkpad" doesn't have the same effect you know?

When HDMI was new one of the things that went around gamer circles was the fact that it was possible to do video capture on a second computer by daisy chaining them together. That way your game isn't compromised (as much, you probably still have higher latency) by trying to capture video.

I don't know if any modern video cards can still do that, but it might be good for these guys to look into it.

You can still get HDMI capture cards as the more popular streamers use them so their main computer is unencumbered with video mixing.

Most video cards these days have built in support for capturing video and encoding it on the fly in hardware, with a <5% impact to performance. This wouldn’t work for these guys as its probably a feature enabled by the driver.

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