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>You can't just

Why not? (Serious Question, I want to learn.)

The reason that the adblocking bit is significant is that it makes the benchmark comparisons pretty meaningless. Failing to load 40% of the content that was served will obviously cut the load times by a comparable amount.

For an accurate comparison, Brave's adblocker should be disabled so that it loads everything that Chrome did.

I disagree. Brave is targeted at the average browser user. Only ~10% of Windows users use adblockers, 2% on Android/iOS.

And you can't tell me all of these people want to see ads, most of them probably just don't know about adblockers (or find them to difficult to install on mobile).

Brave solves that problem because they present a finished solution that simply works for the user.

The comparison between Chromes and Braves (Electrons) internal details may be interested for developers but the average end-user just cares about the speed difference between Browser X and Y as they come out of the box.

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