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In today's age of dramatic economic and political inequality, it does not matter how talented you are or how hard you work. American meritocracy is a sham and Swartz's death is the proof.

Oh wow. I recently dug up Max Payne again. Guess what, I find some of the content to be quite inspiring:

The trick in my situation was that there was no trick, no matter what the movies tell you. No rules, no secret Mantra, no road map. It wasn't about how smart or how good you were. It was chaos and luck, and anyone who thought different was a fool. All you could do was hang on madly, as long and hard as you could.

For a lot of people the decisions and actions they make can (and will) shape their circumstance..

Swartz was succeeding mightily by virtue of his merits. His death was his response to a decision he made that had predictably unpleasant consequences.

I doubt Aaron anticipated the level of blowback.

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