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> Mexico is a country at civil war and in denial about it.

No, it's a country split into trafficking fiefdoms with some violent disputes about the divisions that's in denial about that. But there's no general civil war.

> Yet when the central government tries to take action against them

The central government sometimes rearranges which traffickers are allowed which territories, which results in an upswing in violence. It rarely moves against them generally, though it uses that as the cover for shifting arrangements.

It's funny that you recognize that public officials involved with the cartels are a major factor, but somehow seem to exempt the central government.

My understanding is that while many federal politicians are also compromised, the army is mostly clean.

> the army is mostly clean.

That’s very much at odds with most of what I've seen, which is that both regional commands and the highest levels of authority in the army have shown corruption by and, especially at the regional level, direct intervention on behalf of cartels.

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