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I think you're making TeMPOraL's point, though.

Even in this relatively close case, it's not a zero-overhead transition. There are some changes. There are some new behaviours. You still need to know which things really work exactly the same and where the differences come from even if those differences are only minor. You always need due diligence about whether a new tool is reliable, future-proof, trustworthy, etc. And that's all after finding out about the new tool and deciding this one is actually worth looking into.

Multiply all of that by the absurd degree of over-dependence and over-engineering in the JS ecosystem, and it's entirely fair to question whether the constant nagging overheads are worthwhile.

Right, and that non-zero overhead is part of being a software developer.

It’s also laughable that npm is accused of being a hack and yarn is accused of being over-engineered.

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