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No. The Byrds song, which is itself an excerpt/phrase of Ecclesiastes, does not have phrases like "and a time to pluck up that which is planted"

And neither Solomon nor the Byrds said anything about "A time to make use of duplexer3, and a time to be without duplexer3."

Not to mention, it’s a Pete Seeger song, the byrds just covered it. I may be wrong but I think Seeger wrote it for Judy Collins to sing.

Edit: ok nope, Seeger didn’t “write” it for Collins, she’s just another one to cover it. Here they are both doing it if you’re interested: https://youtu.be/fA9e-vWjWpw

Because the bible version isnt subject to copyright takedowns.

Start posting large parts of, say, the New International Version, let me know how that goes for you.

IOW, unless it’s the King James, it is likely very much subject to take down notices. Though I’m guessing a malicious troll is much more likely to know The Byrds than they are Old Testament.

that is, in fact, the king james version.

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