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Different strokes for different folks, certainly.

Lifting for me is almost a sort of meditation. I don't listen to music and I'm extremely conscience of my breathing. This probably sounds silly, but in the thick of it it's almost like I'm having a conversation with my body. I'm exerting so much force the only thing my brain can think is "am I activating the right muscles? can I safely do another rep?" There's something magical about the last rep slow grind, it's like a drug. The gym is the best part of my day hands down. There's something to be said about a consistent progression path as well.

Running is alright too. It's not anywhere near as fun as lifting for me, and the first 5 minutes is annoying, but once I'm in the zone I enjoy it. I only log 3 or 4 3.5 mile sessions a week though. FWIW it took me a long time to be in decent enough shape to enjoy running.

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