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No, I just cobbled that together from other SF I've read. If you want more of that, try:

- Permutation City by Greg Egan (Imagine a world where everyone's consciousness has been uploaded to computers.)

- Ready Player One by Ernest Cline (People play sports, knit sweaters, whatever- all in virtual reality.) Note: this book is corny as hell and borderline YA but still fun

- Blindsight by Peter Watts (You spend more and more time playing alone or tittering with a circle of sycophantic AIs. ... squeezed out by increasing scarcity of computing resources)

- https://www.sbnation.com/a/17776-football (Over time people decide to pass on by ritualistically committing data-suicide) Just for the impact of functional immortality on common people

Thanks for the recs! Will check them out.

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