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I very much dislike the whole mindset of "we" as this single, uniform society. There are 7.6 billion humans in the world today, we're not all going to agree with everything all the time, and to say that "we" are generally unhappy because of things that "we" deem unsuitable for public discourse is rather arrogant, myopic and naive.

I agree with the author's realization that we probably won't all be able to get along. I think it's a harsh truth that you can either choose to accept or spend a long time trying to fight, and I think much of Silicon Valley falls into the latter. Because of the huge reach and influence of the internet, Silicon Valley (and other areas of large influence) have a bad habit of developing a messiah complex where they see themselves as world ambassadors of peace and justice, striving for an egalitarian world free of 'hatred'. The problem is that the people that get pushed out of this utopia don't just vanish; you end up with people inside the utopia and people outside the utopia. You now have two different groups. So much for the idea of a world of unity and singularity.

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