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Ugh. Not looking forward to this at all. Instead of making things perfectly fit each device they will try one-fits-all approach which will most likely be sub-optimal at best and horrible at worst (Windows8).

Windows is a different beast–many of it's laptop/desktop computers have touchscreens, and Microsoft overreached and basically made the experience better for them at the expense of mouse/keyboard devices. Apple can't do this, of course, since Macs don't have touch screens.

The cynic in me sees your last statement as an indication of the next must have feature - the official Apple Touch Screen Monitor for your desktop Mac.

But Steve did the research, he even said himself: "Laptop users do not want a touch screen!".

To which I completely agree, mind you.

Except they have a curated app store, so they can reject apps which do not have a good UI for both cases.

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