I don't see the inconsistency. (1) He wanted to negotiate his salary up from what he was currently on. (2) He wasn't interested in anything lower than the figure he'd given.
"Pay me $X or I quit" is negotiation, even if it's a rather bloodyminded sort of negotiation.
Nobody ever negotiates up from your first asking price, as that is the highest anyone will bid unless the terms of negotiation have changed. You can only negotiate down from your asking price or remain firm on it. Negotiating != auctioning.
I've been up-negotiated twice, actually. Once for my second job ("that's too low, how about..."), and once when changing from a contractor to a full-time associate ("if we put you in band X, things are easier"). Things were easier, and I got a few thousand dollars more and a month of vacation :)
>I told them I appreciate the effort but the number I gave wasn't really a starting point for negotiation