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a shared_ptr would probably also be a better choice if the ptr should go through several nodes of the pipeline

A shared_ptr is a reference counted allocator, which has nontrivial runtime overhead. It's not what you want when you just want to pass down a reference to some object allocated as part of an enclosing stack frame.

The problem in the article is that the code has a firm RAII promise that the higher level object will be destroyed correctly (i.e. never before any called functions use it). But the author wants to add safety by ensuring that the called functions aren't able to store or copy the pointer or otherwise muck with that allocation promise. And the chosen syntax with unique_ptr works well enough I guess (though it will break if you need the same object used across two disjoint subtrees of the calll tree).

Personally? If this is really what you want then Rust is probably a better proposition as it doesn't require extra syntax for this case. Is it really what you want? Dunno. A simple application of "const" to a few places can get you maybe 70% of the way to the goal here in designs like this.

> though it will break if you need the same object used across two disjoint subtrees of the calll tree

Yes, while I prefer to use plain values or unique_ptrs when I can, I will use C++ references (or plain pointers) in this sort of situation. Basically in C++ I think an of old-style pointers/refs as Rust-like "borrowed" references.

This is an example of how the Rust safety model is really about compiler enforcement of good practices from C and C++ (as opposed to, say, GC which is a distinct practice). I appreciate what Rust is doing, but it is also true that good coding conventions in C++ will get you 90% of the way there.

> good coding conventions in C++ will get you 90% of the way there

For those that need it, SaferCPlusPlus conventions will get you even further.

> Basically in C++ I think an of old-style pointers/refs as Rust-like "borrowed" references.

They key safety feature of Rust references is that they have "scope lifetime" and their target is guaranteed to be alive for the duration of that scope lifetime. You can use SaferCPlusPlus' "scope pointers"[1] to achieve this in C++.

Scope pointers can be explicitly converted to raw pointers, so they can be used with existing "legacy" functions. But you get even more benefit when you change your function interfaces to support scope pointers directly[2]. For example, it would prevent the function from (inappropriately) putting a copy of the scope pointer into "long term storage" (like Rust does).

[1] shameless plug: https://github.com/duneroadrunner/SaferCPlusPlus#scope-point...

[2] https://github.com/duneroadrunner/SaferCPlusPlus#safely-pass...

Not if shared ownership is never actually required, though -- it's possible that ownership could transfer when moving through those different stages.

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